Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer in Europe

I"m back in Europe after six months! I have missed it dreadfully... and I hae the wonderful opportunity to stay in a woman's flat here in Paris! How divine! I was joking with a friend that I might go all Mr. Ripley and steal her identity. She has an adorable place, fantastic books all over the shelves and a balcony where you can sit at a little table, drink a cool glass of white wine and get on facebook! It's all I ever dreamed of while sweating away the summers in South Carolina (sans facebook - I suppose back then I would have written in my journal out here... and I still will!)

Today I did my favorite thing in the world, I met a friend for coffee, went to the market to buy fresh plums, nectarines, apricots, cherries, and strawberries, stopped off at the bakery to pick up a baguette, and then popped in the wine shop to flirt with the cute young french proprietor and get recommendations for a nice white to drink on the balcony.... he offered to join me! Ah Paris!

While I really enjoy living in Asia right now - I was always drawn to Europe as a girl (my longlost homeland - I moved from Belgium as a girl). While sitting on a Thai island, drinking gin and tonics overlooking the Mekong in Laos, and riding elephants in India thrills me - they are always destinations - not home. I long for the every day markets and chatter of European cities. I wish my French were better. I need to force myself to speak it.

Perhaps I'll do a year in Haiti for the next job and then return to France where I can perfect my french and just enjoy the wine, cheese, and bread! Ah! Until later....

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